Friday, November 18, 2016

Baby Girls Birth Story!!

So babe #3 has made her arrival, and life has been insane and absolutely wonderful all at the same time ;) I can't believe how fast time is going, she just turned 3 months old today!!! Here's how it all went down... I went to the drs on Tuesday August 16. Not dilated... So my dr recommended for me to get induced because of the complications we ran into when my son was born (he was 9 pounds 10 oz and the placenta didn't detach upon delivery, thought I could/was going to die/scariest moment of my life) So we set up the appointment for induction. I left the drs office knowing by Friday August 19 we would start the process of meeting our new little one, and that most likely she would be born on her due date, the 20th. I left my drs appointment feeling a little sad and excited both at the same time.  I really didn't want to be induced this time around because I was induced with both my son and daughter and never got to experience a natural labor, something I always wanted.

So the next day (Wednesday) we had my brother take maternity pictures of my family. It was a very warm summer night and we took the pictures outside. My 3 year old daughter didn't want to walk so I carried her a ways while joking to my brother that this could put me in on me....

So once we all finished up with the pictures it was around 8 at night and I asked  my husband if we should go get some ice cream (thinking in my head this could be our last time for awhile). I started having some cramps in my belly assuming they were just Braxton hicks contractions (for those of you who don't know they are fake contractions to get you ready for the real thing!) As the night went on I kept having these light contractions, but doubting anything real could be happening. We got home and put the kids to bed and it wasn't till about 11 at night that I really started assuming that this could be the real thing. So I started folding laundry and packing my hospital bag. Yes I should have done this sooner. Around 1:30 am my husband left to drop off a piece of equipment at one of our customers homes. They were having a bridal shower that weekend and my husband told them he would be able to power wash their deck before the party (ha). 

Around 3am I was in excruciating pain. I couldn't keep my calm

I started crying to my husband that it hurt so bad.

Contractions were 5 or so minutes apart and my husband told me he thinks it's time to call my mom. 

Around 3:30am we decided to call my mom to head on over to watch our kids.

At 4:12 my mom pulls up

At 4:16 I call my dr and tell her we are on our way to the hospital with contractions 3 minutes apart.

 She tells me to come in

As we are driving to the hospital im screaming in pain, acting like a crazy person, yelling out prayers, thanking God for my family, telling Charlie I need an epidural I can't TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!!!!

I was admitted into the hospital at 4:40 am and was wheeled up to the maternity floor

As soon as we got in the room "Your 9 cm dilated!!!"

"Ok Ashley we need you to calm down and breath. Breathing gets oxygen to the baby" the nurse said.

The dr: "Everyone ger ready, were about to have a baby. Ashley your 10 cm dilated give me a push.

 Your baby has dark hair!! Give another good push!! Ok stop pushing! It's a girl!!!!"

At 4:52 am on August 18, 2016 my sweet baby girl was born into this world <3 my third child, another big moment in my life

They placed her on my chest and it didn't quite feel real. They took her away quickly and I probably didn't get to actually hold her and take a good look at her for 15 mins. Everything happened so quickly we were only in the room probably 10 minutes. I delivered her in a small room where they take some information from you, check to see if your dilated, check the baby's heart beat and moms blood pressure! I didn't even deliver her in a delivery room because things went so fast and so many people were having babies that the hospital was full!

I remember looking at Charlie shocked saying this doesn't even feel real, I can't believe it happened like this and went so fast!

It was such an amazing experience. Giving birth to your child and getting to hold that little baby in your arms is unlike anything else. She is so precious, and a beautiful gift from God <3 Im so in love with my little family and I couldn't ask for more

The pain is over and the joy has come, welcome to this world our sweet little one! <3

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Young Living Premium Starter Kit, Start Your Oil Journey Today!

Lets Get You Started On Living A More Natural Lifestyle!

The Young Living Premium Starter Kit Is Everything You Will Need For That!

Your Kit Will Include:
  • Diffuser of your choice
  • Premium Essential Oils Collection;
  • Lavender 5-ml
  • Peppermint Vitality™ 5-ml
  • Lemon Vitality™ 5-ml
  • Copaiba Vitality™ 5-ml
  • Frankincense 5-ml
  • Thieves® Vitality™ 5-ml
  • Purification® 5-ml
  • R.C.™ 5-ml
  • DiGize™ Vitality™ 5-ml
  • PanAway® 5-ml
  • Stress Away™ 5-ml
  • AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment
  • 10 Sample Packets
  • 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Business Cards
  • 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Oil Bottles
  • 2 NingXia Red® 2-oz. samples
  • Product Guide and Product Price List
  • Essential Oil Magazine
  • Essential Edge
  • Member Resources
One or more of the following essential oils may be substituted in the event of sourcing constraints or supply considerations: AromaEase™, Citrus Fresh™ Vitality™, Lemongrass Vitality™, Orange Vitality™ and Tea Tree.

Once you purchase your premium starter kit you are officially a wholesale member- meaning you will receive 24% off every following order with Young Living! Also you are eligible to sell Young Living products and start making a profit! You may choose not to sell Young Living and just want to 24% off discount. That is completely up to you!
If you have any questions about signing up for your Premium Starter Kit I would be happy to help! Email me at or you can even reach out to Young Living by calling 1-800-371-3515. Don't forget to mention my sponsor ID #3886132 to be on my team! 
Also I wanted to mention, skip signing up for Essential Rewards until AFTER you purchase your premium starter kit. Unless you want to purchase another kit for Essential Rewards! Essential Rewards is a program where you receive bonus products by ordering each month. ER is a good thing to be on if you enjoy free stuff!
I can't wait to start this journey with you! <3

Click HERE to begin your oil journey!

This is my obligatory disclaimer: 
The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living Essential Oils. I am not a doctor. Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and they have not been evaluated by the FDA. Ashley and Honest Essentials will not be held liable for any problems that may occur. We recommend that if you are pregnant or nursing that you would further contact your health care provider before using essential oils

How To Make Money Selling Essential Oils!

If its just to supply your essential oil fix, make some extra cash on the side, or to run a 6+ figure a year business, you have come to the right place.

Young Living is the world leader in Essential Oils. Just last year their sales surpassed 1 Billion Dollars and are increasing today. Today many people are looking into more natural and organic ways of eating, cleaning, skincare and health care products. We are finding out more and more disturbing things about the foods we eat, the skin care products we use on ourselves and our children, and the cleaning products we use almost everyday. No wonder why sales are rising at Young Living!

 Young Living Essential Oils are much different then ones you see in the supermarkets today and here are a few reasons why:

Young Living never accepts diluted, cut or adulterated oils. These oils are in the purest form. A lot of the claimed "Essential Oils" you find in stores are only considered "safe" while being diffused (which honestly I wouldn't even trust breathing them in!) One store sells a bottle of "peppermint" oil and a bottle of "lavender" with a diffuser for $20. Dr. Robert Pappas tested the peppermint and the lavender that come in this "kit". The "peppermint" is actually Cornmint oil (Menthe Arvensis) and not peppermint Results Here The "lavender" is not even close to the real stuff and Results Here

Young Living has a Seed to Seal® process. Its a five-step approach that delivers natures most potent and pure essential oils. From the time they choose the seeds, to sealing the bottles, the unique approach that they use sets them apart. Learn more about the Seed to Seal® Process Here

On November 14, 2013 D. Gary Young, the founder of Young Living wrote in his blog "All our fields are sprayed with a natural herbicide made of essential oils, neem oil, and castile soap." "When you go down to the farm and you see pristine fields, its because our 17 or 21 field hands were in those fields hoeing the weeds." "Commercial sprays are not used on Young Living essential oil crops, period, irrespective of what other people out there may say." Link to D Gary Young's Blog

As you can see Young Living Essential Oils are top of the line and are high quality. 

Now on to the exciting part
 "How much money can I make selling Young Living Products?"

Seems like a pretty nice profit, huh?!

I would love for you to join my team! 
All you have to do is click HERE and sign up for a premium starter kit. The kit includes some of Young Living's top sellers and the price in it self will blow you away. For almost half the price of buying everything individually, the premium starter kit includes the following:

  • Diffuser of your choice
  • Premium Essential Oils Collection;
  • Lavender 5-ml
  • Peppermint Vitality™ 5-ml
  • Lemon Vitality™ 5-ml
  • Copaiba Vitality™ 5-ml
  • Frankincense 5-ml
  • Thieves® Vitality™ 5-ml
  • Purification® 5-ml
  • R.C.™ 5-ml
  • DiGize™ Vitality™ 5-ml
  • PanAway® 5-ml
  • Stress Away™ 5-ml
  • AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment
  • 10 Sample Packets
  • 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Business Cards
  • 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Oil Bottles
  • 2 NingXia Red® 2-oz. samples
  • Product Guide and Product Price List
  • Essential Oil Magazine
  • Essential Edge
  • Member Resources
One or more of the following essential oils may be substituted in the event of sourcing constraints or supply considerations: AromaEase™, Citrus Fresh™ Vitality™, Lemongrass Vitality™, Orange Vitality™ and Tea Tree.

Once you purchase your premium starter kit you are officially a wholesale member- meaning you will receive 24% off every following order with Young Living! Also you are eligible to sell Young Living products and start making a profit! You may choose not to sell Young Living and just want to 24% off discount. That is completely up to you!

Also I wanted to mention, skip signing up for Essential Rewards until AFTER you purchase your premium starter kit. Unless you want to purchase another kit for Essential Rewards! Essential Rewards is a program where you receive bonus products by ordering each month. ER is a good thing to be on if you enjoy free stuff!

If you have any questions about signing up for your Premium Starter Kit I would be happy to help! Email me at or you can even reach out to Young Living by calling 1-800-371-3515. Don't forget to mention my sponsor ID #3886132 to be on my team! 
I can't wait to start this journey with you! <3

Click HERE to begin your oil journey!

This is my obligatory disclaimer: 
The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living Essential Oils. I am not a doctor. Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and they have not been evaluated by the FDA. Ashley and Honest Essentials will not be held liable for any problems that may occur. We recommend that if you are pregnant or nursing that you would further contact your health care provider before using essential oils

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Black Bottom Cupcakes!

Happy August!! Its officially baby month around here and I couldn't be more excited!! The countdown is ON! That means I should probably start washing all of the newborn clothes, getting her carseat ready and possibly consider packing a hospital bag...its funny how different things are from having your first child, to your second to even your third. I remember with our first I started preparing her room and clothes months in advance.. folding every piece of clothing perfectly, putting it all in order in her drawers to quickly find out that when you are having a newborn diaper "malfunction" in the moment all those perfectly folded sorted clothes are getting tossed around in a desperate cry for help! This past week I feel like baby girl went through a major growth spurt. My shirts aren't quite fitting the same and when she moves it literally feels like she is trying to escape from my belly. Also I have had a few people comment on how I look like my belly has "dropped" and the question of "when am I going to have this baby already?" has been asked a few times too. As I am typing this she is very active and actually kicking the table that is in front of me so I have to sit very far back just to try and get comfortable (which isn't quite comfortable at all!). My previous two babes were both 3 days early, but I was induced with both of them. We will see!!

Last Friday I made Black Bottoms for the book study group my husband attends at church. It was his week to bring in a snack and I knew from the moment I found out that I had to make these for everyone. It also gave me a reason to bake up two batches of them, one for church and one for home ;) This recipe has been very popular on my moms side of the family and probably one of my (and many others) favorite dessert. They are a special part of my childhood, and my grandma, who I call Gya, is one of the reasons this recipe is in our family. They are a very big hit with everyone who has ever tried them and usually if you bring them to a party you will come home with an empty plate (which is the reason why you would make an extra batch for home!). Moist Chocolate Cake (sorry to all who can't stand the word MOIST) with a Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Center. Delicious right from the oven but the best when served cold. I have seen a few different recipes for these that seem very similar but almost all of them use white vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar. Trust me when I say that these are absolutely delicious. Give them a try and let me know how much you love them too! 

Black Bottom Cupcakes 


Combine in a Medium Bowl:
1- 8oz Package Cream Cheese Softened 
1 Egg
1/3 Cup Sugar
1/8 Tsp Salt
Beat well till all ingredients are combined then 
Stir in 6 oz Chocolate Chips

Combine the following ingredients in a separate Large Bowl:
1 1/2 Cups Flour
1 Cup Sugar
1/4 Cup Cocoa Powder
1/3 Cup Vegetable Oil
1 Tsp Baking Soda
1/2 Tsp Salt
1 Cup Water
1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Tsp Vanilla
Beat well till all ingredients are combined.

Fill 24 cupcake liners equally with the chocolate mixture. Then drop equal spoonfuls of the cheesecake mixture onto the top of each cupcake liner filled with the chocolate mixture. 

Bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees

Patiently wait until they cool and then refrigerate till cold.
Best when served COLD!!

Makes 24


Monday, July 11, 2016

Having Trouble Sleeping?

If you are pregnant, or if your not and you are just having a really hard time falling asleep/sleeping at night this post is for you! 

The past couple weeks I have been struggling with sleep. Either I had too much on my mind, or I would wake up every what felt like 30 mins tossing, turning rolling over, for no reason...It had such an effect on how I felt during the day and I was really lacking on getting things done around the house. I've tried diffusing lavender, and I know for some people it works but it wasn't quite doing it for me.. then my mom recommended for me to rub 1-2 drops of Lavender Oil over my heart before bed. Oh my gosh.... I haven't slept better since! The first night I noticed I slept through the night and once I opened my eyes it was morning! Then I did it the next night too...same thing. I slept great. Then I skipped a night..never skip a night! I slept horrible... One of the nights I had so much on my mind and thought there was no way I was going to get to sleep...  So I ate a few huge bowls of cookie crisp cereal..I know terrible!!...anyways after I gobbled down like 2 huge filled to the top bowls I rubbed on the Lavender. When I woke up it was the weirdest thing I felt like I practically blacked out! I slept so good, and I noticed I barely have dreams when I apply the Lavender oil. Sleep is very uninterrupted, and since Lavender is natural I feel safe applying it while I'm pregnant (of course check with your Dr first!)

Wishing you all a sweet nights sleep!

This is my obligatory disclaimer: 
The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living Essential Oils. I am not a doctor. Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and they have not been evaluated by the FDA. Ashley and Honest Essentials will not be held liable for any problems that may occur. We recommend that if you are pregnant or nursing that you would further contact your health care provider before using essential oils

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Third Trimester Drag!

Hey Everyone! I hope you all are having a great week! Myself for one, has been feeling the third trimester draggggg.....where no matter how much sleep you get you can definitely fall asleep standing up by the afternoon, not feeling very motivated to do anything, all with a to do list longer then my day... even trying to sleep at night has become challenging.. tossing and turning (which for one is very hard to do when pregnant, you know just rolling over in bed!) and having to go pee like 4 times a night! Ahh!! Sorry for my little rant....I only have 6 and 1/2 weeks left till my due date and I'm very much looking forward to meeting this little beauty :) 

Besides all of the crazy things about pregnancy, it is very enjoyable to lay in bed at night holding my belly and feeling my little one move about. It is one of those things I will definitely miss, especially when she is sleeping in another room and not right there with me all the time. I know in about 6-7 weeks my life is going to be put into overdrive again, learning how to mange taking care of 2 children to 3 (outside of the womb). Somehow we adjust to the situations and it becomes second nature.. I know that my life changed dramatically since having our first child. Before her I pretty much did everything for myself. I'm not a selfish person, and I never use to be, but life was very different. Now my whole life is my kids. Their needs are way before my own...using the bathroom as a "team", listening to Itsy Bitsy Spider as we drive down the road because its the only way to get my son to stop yelling/crying in the car, raiding the cabinets for spoons of peanut butter, throwing a pee diaper at my back while I'm standing in the kitchen while saying "I have a big fat pee pee diaper!" (yes this happened today!), literally spending more time trying to get out of the house then being out of the house itself, and the list can go on! 

Having small children come with a lot of challenges but there are many wonderful moments too. Like looking at your children in amazement while thinking "wow thats my child, God gave him/her to me", hearing "I love you Mommy" followed by the biggest little armed hug, listening to your kids laugh hysterically at each other while playing together, watching your child dance and sing to music (it makes it even cuter when they get most of the words wrong and make up their own!), seeing their personality unfold before your eyes and the excitement they have with every accomplishment they make. Im so thankful for the good moments and even the wild ones too. Im watching my family grow before my eyes and I am very grateful to have this opportunity in life. 

I think we all have to inspire each other at times, and realize that mommy hood isn't always a perfect picture. That behind the front door there are messes, and chaos, and it is quite normal!  Also to realize that our children are learning, and so are we. Be an encouragement to other Mommys around you, and the best thing you can do for them is to understand what they are going through. I hope this little glimpse into my life will encourage you with yours!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

How To Use Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Oil. My favorite oil, and the very first oil I ever owned! Lavender oil is known to be one of the top selling essential oils next to peppermint. It is well know for its perfume like fragrance, and this oil knows how to kick some serious butt in many ways ;) 

What a beautiful view!
Did you know it takes 27 square feet of Lavender to make one 15 ml bottle of Young Living's Lavender Oil? Thats a lot of Lavender!

Here are a few of my favorite ways to use this oil. I hope you enjoy!

This is my obligatory disclaimer: 
The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living Essential Oils. I am not a doctor. Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and they have not been evaluated by the FDA. Ashley and Honest Essentials will not be held liable for any problems that may occur. We recommend that if you are pregnant or nursing that you would further contact your health care provider before using essential oils

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Freshen Up Your Laundry Naturally!

Ok so sometimes life gets reallyyyy busy and then......Oh no! I forgot a load of laundry in the washer overnight!.... or maybe for 2 days...and then your praying that somehow it doesn't smell (which it always does) so what do you do? Turn the washer on again? .....but then somehow it still has that nasty smell....maybe if I throw it in the dryer that will help.... nope. Maybe if I hang the clothes up the smell will just somehow disappear.... till your hubby comes home telling you his clothes smell really bad.. oops sorry baby ;) Well I know from experience that these ways will not make your clothes smell fresh and clean.

It might be a good excuse for a shopping spree, butttttttttttt...... I have a different solution! 

How To Freshen Up Your Laundry Naturally!


1 Cup White Vinegar
Laundry Detergent
1 Cup of Water
10 Drops of Lavender Essential Oil

Step 1: Add 1 cup of vinegar to your load of laundry and wash in the hottest/warmest water possible. Do not add any detergent to load, only water and vinegar

Step 2: Once the cycle is complete, wash laundry again as your normally do with laundry detergent

Step 3: Mix up 1 Cup of Water with 10 Drops of Lavender Essential Oil in a glass spray bottle. You may use another oil smell of your choice just make sure the oil you use is a clear essential oil in color!

Step 4: Spritz some of the water/oil mixture onto your clothes before popping them into the dryer  (make sure to shake spray bottle while spraying to evenly distribute the oils throughout the water)

Step 5: Enjoy the wonderful fresh scent of clean clothes! You can thank me later! ;)

Hope you all are having a wonderful week! <3

This is my obligatory disclaimer: 
The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living Essential Oils. I am not a doctor. Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and they have not been evaluated by the FDA. Ashley and Honest Essentials will not be held liable for any problems that may occur. We recommend that if you are pregnant or nursing that you would further contact your health care provider before using essential oils

Friday, June 10, 2016

Super Shower Cleaner All Natural!

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a great week, and your just as happy as I am that the weekend is here! I am currently 30 weeks pregnant (that went by fast!) and I wanted to share with you a simple home made shower cleaner that I used just a few days ago.

I have to admit, every time I have been pregnant I would always get nervous about cleaning our tub/shower, which would lead me to asking my husband to do it...

My reasoning behind not wanting to clean it myself was the harsh chemicals that would literally take my breath away while cleaning. Being pregnant made me think a lot more about how these chemical cleaners would affect my growing baby....and also how bad was it for my husband or for myself to use these cleaners? Well heres the solution!

Thats right! 3 simple ingredients that are natural and make an awesome cleaning product for your shower/tub and its even great for cleaning your toilet! 

Baking Soda + Young Living Thieves Essential Oil + White Vinegar

Thats it! 


Thieves Essential Oil

Thieves was created from research about four thieves during the 15th-century plague who used cloves, rosemary, and other aromatics to protect themselves while robbing plague victims. Thieves is a proprietary blend of pure essential oils tested at Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, and found to have a 99.96 percent effective rate against airborne bacteria.

Ok thats it for our small history lesson! This oil is pretty amazing and since it has clove, and cinnamon bark along with lemon, eucalyptus, and rosemary cineol, it left my bathroom smelling like Christmas and I didn't even notice a vinegar smell once I finished cleaning.  I was so happy to clean my bathtub with barely any effort AND no harsh chemicals!

I hope you enjoy using this wonderful cleaning product as much as I did!

How to Make Your Own Super Shower Cleaner knockout:

2 Cups White Vinegar
1 Cup Baking Soda
10 Drops of Thieves Essential Oil

Combine the vinegar and Thieves Essential Oil in a large spray bottle (or you can improvise like I did and use a large soda bottle with a hole poked in the lid!) 
Slowly add Baking Soda to Vinegar/Oil mixture (while feeling like a child again!) Wait for bubbling to subside before adding more. 
Give it a good shake to mix ingredients and continue shaking while spraying down your whole tub/shower (to make sure oil stays well distributed) 
Let sit 10 minutes then lightly scrub away with a sponge or scrub brush. When finished rinse with clean water. 
Now enjoy staring at your sparkling clean shower that smells amazing!

This is my obligatory disclaimer: 
The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living Essential Oils. I am not a doctor. Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and they have not been evaluated by the FDA. Ashley and Honest Essentials will not be held liable for any problems that may occur. We recommend that if you are pregnant or nursing that you would further contact your health care provider before using essential oils

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

My First Post!

Hi! Welcome to Honest Essentials, I'm so happy that your here! Bare with me, especially since this is my first post! Well anyways how should I start this off... My name is Ashley and I'm happily married to my husband Charlie 10/15/11. He is by far the sweetest most caring man I have ever met. Ive known my husband for 10 years and we started off as friends (I'll get into that in another post!). We have 3 wonderful children. Our first born (girl) will be 3 this August, our second babe (boy) is almost a year and a half, and our third baby (who is currently referred to as "baby number 3" (girl) is due August 20, 2016. Yep you got it right... that's 3 babies in 3 years!! Just say a prayer for me and we will all be on our merry way!... Just kidding...really though life can get pretty chaotic, but having my own family is the biggest blessing and answered prayer I have ever had. Totally worth every crazy moment! ...and they do say it gets easier, right?

 I pretty much started Honest Essentials as a side hobby, a little piece of time for "me". My mom introduced me to Young Living Essential Oils, and I have been obsessed hooked ;) ever since. I wanted to create a blog that focused on the "Honest Essentials" of life like family, God, food, tips and tricks, and of course Young Living Essential Oils. Using essential oils has opened my eyes to living a life with less harmful chemicals and instead, replacing them with more of the natural resources God has given us on the Earth.

The truth is I wasn't so excited to jump on the bandwagon of essential oils from the start. You know when your mom or an elder recommends something to you, and you just kind of ignore their advice, to later find out they were right the whole time? Yeah that was me -when my mom created a cream for my almost 3 year old daughter for the terrible eczema that was covering her legs, creeping up onto her arms, back and stomach . It was made from coconut, tea tree and lavender oil, and within months the eczema was completely gone! That's why I'm here. Typing this from my bedroom at almost 12 at night while my husband sleeps next to me, to get the word out to everyone on how to live a more whole life.

I'm excited that your here! 
Welcome to Honest Essentials

This is my obligatory disclaimer: 
The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living Essential Oils. I am not a doctor. Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and they have not been evaluated by the FDA. Ashley and Honest Essentials will not be held liable for any problems that may occur. We recommend that if you are pregnant or nursing that you would further contact your health care provider before using essential oils