Friday, November 18, 2016

Baby Girls Birth Story!!

So babe #3 has made her arrival, and life has been insane and absolutely wonderful all at the same time ;) I can't believe how fast time is going, she just turned 3 months old today!!! Here's how it all went down... I went to the drs on Tuesday August 16. Not dilated... So my dr recommended for me to get induced because of the complications we ran into when my son was born (he was 9 pounds 10 oz and the placenta didn't detach upon delivery, thought I could/was going to die/scariest moment of my life) So we set up the appointment for induction. I left the drs office knowing by Friday August 19 we would start the process of meeting our new little one, and that most likely she would be born on her due date, the 20th. I left my drs appointment feeling a little sad and excited both at the same time.  I really didn't want to be induced this time around because I was induced with both my son and daughter and never got to experience a natural labor, something I always wanted.

So the next day (Wednesday) we had my brother take maternity pictures of my family. It was a very warm summer night and we took the pictures outside. My 3 year old daughter didn't want to walk so I carried her a ways while joking to my brother that this could put me in on me....

So once we all finished up with the pictures it was around 8 at night and I asked  my husband if we should go get some ice cream (thinking in my head this could be our last time for awhile). I started having some cramps in my belly assuming they were just Braxton hicks contractions (for those of you who don't know they are fake contractions to get you ready for the real thing!) As the night went on I kept having these light contractions, but doubting anything real could be happening. We got home and put the kids to bed and it wasn't till about 11 at night that I really started assuming that this could be the real thing. So I started folding laundry and packing my hospital bag. Yes I should have done this sooner. Around 1:30 am my husband left to drop off a piece of equipment at one of our customers homes. They were having a bridal shower that weekend and my husband told them he would be able to power wash their deck before the party (ha). 

Around 3am I was in excruciating pain. I couldn't keep my calm

I started crying to my husband that it hurt so bad.

Contractions were 5 or so minutes apart and my husband told me he thinks it's time to call my mom. 

Around 3:30am we decided to call my mom to head on over to watch our kids.

At 4:12 my mom pulls up

At 4:16 I call my dr and tell her we are on our way to the hospital with contractions 3 minutes apart.

 She tells me to come in

As we are driving to the hospital im screaming in pain, acting like a crazy person, yelling out prayers, thanking God for my family, telling Charlie I need an epidural I can't TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!!!!

I was admitted into the hospital at 4:40 am and was wheeled up to the maternity floor

As soon as we got in the room "Your 9 cm dilated!!!"

"Ok Ashley we need you to calm down and breath. Breathing gets oxygen to the baby" the nurse said.

The dr: "Everyone ger ready, were about to have a baby. Ashley your 10 cm dilated give me a push.

 Your baby has dark hair!! Give another good push!! Ok stop pushing! It's a girl!!!!"

At 4:52 am on August 18, 2016 my sweet baby girl was born into this world <3 my third child, another big moment in my life

They placed her on my chest and it didn't quite feel real. They took her away quickly and I probably didn't get to actually hold her and take a good look at her for 15 mins. Everything happened so quickly we were only in the room probably 10 minutes. I delivered her in a small room where they take some information from you, check to see if your dilated, check the baby's heart beat and moms blood pressure! I didn't even deliver her in a delivery room because things went so fast and so many people were having babies that the hospital was full!

I remember looking at Charlie shocked saying this doesn't even feel real, I can't believe it happened like this and went so fast!

It was such an amazing experience. Giving birth to your child and getting to hold that little baby in your arms is unlike anything else. She is so precious, and a beautiful gift from God <3 Im so in love with my little family and I couldn't ask for more

The pain is over and the joy has come, welcome to this world our sweet little one! <3

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