Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Third Trimester Drag!

Hey Everyone! I hope you all are having a great week! Myself for one, has been feeling the third trimester draggggg.....where no matter how much sleep you get you can definitely fall asleep standing up by the afternoon, not feeling very motivated to do anything, all with a to do list longer then my day... even trying to sleep at night has become challenging.. tossing and turning (which for one is very hard to do when pregnant, you know just rolling over in bed!) and having to go pee like 4 times a night! Ahh!! Sorry for my little rant....I only have 6 and 1/2 weeks left till my due date and I'm very much looking forward to meeting this little beauty :) 

Besides all of the crazy things about pregnancy, it is very enjoyable to lay in bed at night holding my belly and feeling my little one move about. It is one of those things I will definitely miss, especially when she is sleeping in another room and not right there with me all the time. I know in about 6-7 weeks my life is going to be put into overdrive again, learning how to mange taking care of 2 children to 3 (outside of the womb). Somehow we adjust to the situations and it becomes second nature.. I know that my life changed dramatically since having our first child. Before her I pretty much did everything for myself. I'm not a selfish person, and I never use to be, but life was very different. Now my whole life is my kids. Their needs are way before my own...using the bathroom as a "team", listening to Itsy Bitsy Spider as we drive down the road because its the only way to get my son to stop yelling/crying in the car, raiding the cabinets for spoons of peanut butter, throwing a pee diaper at my back while I'm standing in the kitchen while saying "I have a big fat pee pee diaper!" (yes this happened today!), literally spending more time trying to get out of the house then being out of the house itself, and the list can go on! 

Having small children come with a lot of challenges but there are many wonderful moments too. Like looking at your children in amazement while thinking "wow thats my child, God gave him/her to me", hearing "I love you Mommy" followed by the biggest little armed hug, listening to your kids laugh hysterically at each other while playing together, watching your child dance and sing to music (it makes it even cuter when they get most of the words wrong and make up their own!), seeing their personality unfold before your eyes and the excitement they have with every accomplishment they make. Im so thankful for the good moments and even the wild ones too. Im watching my family grow before my eyes and I am very grateful to have this opportunity in life. 

I think we all have to inspire each other at times, and realize that mommy hood isn't always a perfect picture. That behind the front door there are messes, and chaos, and it is quite normal!  Also to realize that our children are learning, and so are we. Be an encouragement to other Mommys around you, and the best thing you can do for them is to understand what they are going through. I hope this little glimpse into my life will encourage you with yours!

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